A Confidential Medical Device Client had projected a need to expand its contact lens manufacturing capabilities due to its growth in the market and their development of a new contact lens. The project included the renovation of the existing two-story 700,000 SF reinforced concrete building. Renovations involved a dock addition, two minor and one major screened utility yards, a stair tower addition, and an indoor tank farm with an access platform and truck containment area. The project was designed and constructed in phases with design starting in early 2014 and completion of construction in mid 2016.
Mainstay provided an economically feasible structural solution to minimize disruption of the operational facility and helped reduce the construction time frame so that the phasing approach would allow for earlier validation and implementation of each production line. The project scope included modifications to the slab-on-grade including depressions and sump pits for equipment installation, demolition of an interior concrete stair and infill of the elevated slab, roof reinforcing for HVAC curb mounted equipment, screened mechanical equipment yards, a new masonry stair tower and a steel-framed dock addition. Additional scope included the renovation of an additional building on the site which included the partial demolition of the second floor for the installation of large storage tanks with an access platform and hoists, interior containment areas and exterior delivery truck containment.
The existing current manufacturing building is a two-story plus penthouse structure, approximately 67 years old, which was previously occupied by a clothing manufacturer. The construction is a reinforced concrete structure with two-way flat slabs, round concrete columns with capitals and shear drop panels, and 24’-6” by 25’-6” typical bays. The foundations consist of grade beams supported on piles. The building perimeter and exterior enclosure consists of reinforced concrete beams supporting masonry and windows. Complete sets of structural documents were not available for the buildings.
The building renovations were a challenge due to the clients desire to not interrupt current manufacturing operations in adjacent areas. The column bay spacing was a challenge to the layout particularly for the equipment which required slab depressions and pits. The design team was able to maximize the interior space fit-out and minimize the conflicts with the building foundations where pits and depressions were required. Elevated level scope, including new slab opening reinforcing and infill were kept to a minimum in order to limit disruption below.

Northeast USA
Structural Engineering
Genesis Architects & Engineers
LeChase Construction Services, LLC